New day, new time! Thursdays 6:15 – 7:00 p.m.
Join Certified AYFit Trainer Jim Gilligan at aUM Yoga.
AYfit is a fast and fun full body workout that cultivates strength, agility, trust, communication and teamwork. Each 45 minutes class builds smart, strong bodies through partner acrobatic training techniques, either for personal fitness or as an excellent foundation for AcroYoga.
Check out an AYfit class:
Jim Gilligan wants to turn your world upside down! He began practicing Yoga in 1988 and as an RYT200 certified instructor started formally teaching Yoga in 2012. He Founded AcroYoga Ann Arbor in 2012 and became Michigan’s first certified AcroYoga teacher in 2014 and certified AYfit trainer in 2015. Jim continues his Yoga and AcroYoga education by attending workshops around the country. Besides family, friends, Yoga and meditation, Jim enjoys cross country skiing, bicycling, motorcycling, kayaking, and teaching wilderness survival skills. Be Stoked!