Tag Archives: Christopher Filkins

Game of Thrones

A @filchyboy, Ahni Radvanyi, @bryan-belleza, and @luxseattleacro washing machine Demo by @jacob-brown, @debbie-collis, @morgancain, @faith-morrison, @christopher-naze, @acrojude


Infa-Ninja by Christopher Filkins, Ahni Radvanyi, and Bryan Belleza Demo By Christopher Filkins, Ahni Radvanyi, Bryan Belleza, and Naheed Radfar

Twirly Gig

Twirly Gig by Christopher Filkins, Ahni Radvanyi, and Bryan Belleza Demo by Christopher Filkins, Ahni Radvanyi, Bryan Belleza, Casey Stroud, Sonia Peltzer, and Naheed Radfar

Rubik’s Cube

Flow by Christopher Filkins Demo by Christopher Filkins and Daniel Scott. Straddle throne, Star, Goofy reverse shin-to-foot/Goofy reverse straddle throne Click here for more Daniel Scott washing machines.